color: SOME SOLDIER'S MOM: Memorial Day 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Because the current President is too busy vacationing to pay respect to this country's war dead at Arlington National Cemetary... you know, the ones who died for him, and you, and me, and mine. Personally. So I give thanks and honor those who gave their lives to honor, defend, and protect me.

Memorial Day

"And today we remember all who have died, all who are still missing and all who mourn. And on this day, especially, our nation is grateful to the brave and fallen defenders of freedom. In every generation of Americans we have found courage equal to the tasks of our country.

The farms and small towns and city streets of this land have always produced free citizens who assume the discipline and duty of military life. And time after time, they have proven that the moral force of democracy is mightier than the will and cunning of any tyrant."

-President George W. Bush

Learn more about United States National Cemeteries

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At 5/30/2010 8:14 PM , Blogger Spockgirl said...

Hello. I happened upon your blog quite some time back when you had posted about the rather uncouth protesters who made an appearance at a cemetery where a service was being held for a young soldier that had died. I come back often to see what else you have to say because, well, you voice your opinions and are not afraid to speak your mind and you raise awareness to issues that might often be ignored by most. On another blog I found a while ago, the current post is a wonderfully written piece titled "Companion to Honor", if you wish to read it: For some reason I found your blogs on different blogging excursions and chose to keep reading both. I am a random nobody, so my only connection to your blogs is perhaps that I am human.


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